Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) (To deliver a letter [Einen Brief zustellen])

Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) (To deliver a letter [Einen Brief zustellen])

Item Info

Item No: frk00341
Title: Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) (To deliver a letter [Einen Brief zustellen])
Creation Date: 8/7/1785
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 265
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink
Watermark: C B

Einen Brief zustellen, an einen guten Bekanten, den man werth hält
Die Liebe unsers Gottes, der Trost unsers Herrn Jesu, und die Erleuch= \ tung des Heiligen Geistes, sey nebst einem Liebes=Gruß sey hertzlich gewünschet. \ Geehrter Herr und Freund N. N. Mit der Gelegeheit thun ich euch mit ein \ paar Zeilen berichten daß ich euren brief empfangen habe, und daraus \ ersehen das ihr noch alle Gesund seyd, welches mir lieb war zu vernehmen \ Was mich und die Meinigen betrifft so sind wie Gott sey danck noch alle \ gesund, was geliebten freund sein begehren anbelangt wo er mich in \ seinem Schreiben eine Ansuchung an mich gethan hat, so will ich ihn so \ viel berichten daß mir es vor die Zeit wohl nicht gar Schicklich ist, wann \ ihr aber die Zeit keine Hülfe haben könt, so könt ihr mich nochmal darum \ ersuchen, ich gedencke euch ein genügen zu thun, verbleibe nebst nochmaligem \ Gruß euer Freund und Diener. August d. 7ten 1785 N.N.


To deliver a letter to a good acquaintance whom one values.
The love of our God, the comfort of our Lord Jesus, and the illumination of the Holy spirit are wished heartily in addition to a loving greeting. Honored sir and friend N. N. With this opportunity I report to you with a few lines that I received your letter, and gathered from it that you all remain healthy, which I was pleased to hear. So far as I and mine are concerned, we are, God be thanked, all still healthy. As concerns my beloved friend’s request, which he has directed at me in his letter, I want to report as much to him that it is not convenient for me at this time. However, if you cannot get help now, you can ask me for it again. I intend to do you a favor, remain with a repeated greeting, your friend and servant. August, the 7th, 1785. N. N.

Category: Writing Exercise (Vorschrift)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The main text, with the first line in Fraktur and the remainder in German script, extends across the entire document. The initial letter of the first word is written in elaborate calligraphy. A border separates the first line from the main text, as well as the main text on the left side from a tall stem with a flower that has a human face. The entire document is enclosed by a decorative border.
Previously attributed to Abraham Dirdorff based on comparison with a 1781 Vorschrift with the name Abraham Dirdorff on it; this is now thought to be more likely the name of the owner rather than maker. For another example by this artist, see FLP 1040.  The document is an example of how to write a letter, and begins with a common greeting used in Pennsylvania German letters into the 1800s.

Associated Names: Dirdorff, Abraham

“Abraham Dirdorff Artist” in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 1, p. 191-192.

Creation Place State/Province: Creation Place Note:Based on design characteristics

Image Dimensions Width: 19.8 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 341
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener

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