Advertisement for "Road O' Strife" merchandise (Page 24 - Back Cover)

Theatre Lubin Film Manufacturing Company
Advertisement for

Item Info

Item No: thcl01904
Title: Advertisement for "Road O' Strife" merchandise (Page 24 - Back Cover)
Additional Title: The Lubin Bulletin Vol. II, No. 5
Publication Date: 5/17/1915
Media Type: House Organs
Source: Theatre Collection

Art Poster, Stamps, and Albums. 

Hundreds of Exhibitions are using art poster stamps to insure continuous attendance at the showing of serial plays. 

You now have the opportunity of pleasing all of the patrons of your theatre, and a pleased patron, in these days of keen competition, is necessary for the success of a motion picture theatre. There are millions of people throughout the United States who are collecting poster stamps. It is reasonable to assume that there are many persons interested in this new craze in your neighborhood. Give these people what they want. 

Here is the plan:

Order as many albums as you have patrons for one day at your theatre, and the same number of sets of stamps. You will give out the albums when the first part of the “Road O’Strife” serial is shown or whenever it suits your purpose. The albums are given out only once; thereafter at each showing of the serial, a set of stamps is given showing scenes from each episode which are retained by the collector in his album. The albums cost you only $1.00 per 100. This price includes the photograph stamps of Crane Wilbur and Mary Charleson and a blank stamp for the imprint of the name of your theatre on the cover of the album. The stamps cost you 45 cents per 100 sets, a set consisting of 3 stamps. 

Order now through your exchange — if your exchange can’t supply you write to Wentz & Co. 23 East 26th Street New York.

Call Number: Lubin - Bulletin II:5