Front Cover (Page 1)

Item Info

Item No: thcl01997
Title: Front Cover (Page 1)
Additional Title: The Lubin Bulletin Vol. III, No. 12
Publication Date: 9/22/1915
Media Type: House Organs
Source: Theatre Collection

From One Of Our Friends. From the “Vermont” Theatre, 1069 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Canada, July 19th, 1915. To Lubin Man’fg Co., Philadelphia, PA. 


We beg to thank you sincerely for the regularity with which we receive the Lubin Bulletin. As we use General Film Service exclusively and select our Program with the utmost care, this Bulletin is indispensable. 

We like the Lubin three reel Features, and as we never run anything longer than three reels, their appearance in regular service are a boon and a blessing.

We have the idea that every Lubin Feature is better than its predecessor, while the Lubin single reels are of an extra high quality.

We sincerely hope that the Lubin Co. do not contemplate and curtailment in their single reel releases, as, in our humble opinion, the single reel is STILL the backbone of the business, speaking from the standpoint of an Exhibitor with some experience. 

Thanking you for past favors, and requesting that we be continued on the Mailing List, and wishing the Lubin Company continued success, we are

Yours very truly, 

WCH/SS. Westarwood. 

Call Number: Lubin - Bulletin III:12