Marriage Greeting for Christian Meyer and Maria Landes

Marriage Greeting for Christian Meyer and Maria Landes

Item Info

Item No: frk00636
Title: Marriage Greeting for Christian Meyer and Maria Landes
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 193
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink
Watermark: WM

C. M. & M. L. Haben sich Miteinander in den \ Heiligen Ehestand begeben den 11ten May 1784. \
der Liebe Friede Nährt \ der Blasse Neid Verzehrt, \ Drum bind zu Eurem stand, Gott selbst das Liebes=Band.  

[in left column]
Bräutigam \ Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege, und Hoffe auf \ Ihn, Er Wirds wohl machen Ps 37 V 5

[in right column]
Braut \ Bleibe fromm, Und Halte dich Recht, dann \ solchen Wirds Zuletzt Wohl gehen Ps 37 V 37.

Christian Meyer Und Maria Landesin \ die Liebe Dringet Mich, Euch diß zu schenken, stets zur Erinnerung, und Angedenken, \ Nehmt’s auch in Liebe an Thut’ es betrachten, schrebts in das ? hinein, Thuts nicht verachten.

Seyd Gott Getreu In Eurem stand, darein Er \ Euch gesetzet, wan er euch Hält mit seiner hand, ist Nichts \ daß euch verletzet, wer seine gnad, zur Brustswehr hat \ dem kan kein teuffel schaden, wann Gottes wacht auf euch \ hat acht, so bleibt euch wohl gerathen. Seyd Gott gretreu, sein Liebes Wort, standhaftig zu bekennen, stehtvest darauf an \ Allem Ort, laßt euch davon nicht Trennen, was diese welt in Armen \ hält, muß alles noch vergehen, sein Liebes Wort, bleibt Ewig fort ohn \ alles Wancken stehen, Seyd Gott getreu, als Welcher sich \ läßt Treu und gnädig finden, kämpfft unter Ihm nur Ritterlich laßt \ über euch den sünden, ja wider Pflicht, den Zügel nicht, wär je ein fall \ geschehen, so seyd bereit, durch Buß bey Zeit, nur wieder aufzustehen \ Seyd Gott getreu biß in den Tod, Und laßt euch nichts ab= \ wenden, Er wird und kan in aller noth, euch Treuen beystand \ senden, und käm auch gleich, das Höllisch Reich, mit aller \ macht gedrungen, wohl auf euch zu, so glaubet Nu, ihr bleibet Unbe= \ zwungen, Werde’t ihr Gott also bleiben Treu, wird er sich euch Erweisen, daß \ er er’r lieber Vatter sey wie er auch hat verheissen, auch eine \ Kron zum Gnaden=lohn, im Himmel euch aufsetzen, da werd’t ihr \ euch, in seinem Reich, an seiner treu Ergetzen. \ Diß Wünscht dir, Bräutigam, und auch dir, \ Braut, auch jedem, ders wohl meynt, und Gott ver= \ traut, herzlich, ein guter Fre[und] und auch ein Treuer, \ sein Name ist und heißt H[ans] Adam Eyer \ Schuldiener. 


C. M. & M. L. have entered together into the state of holy matrimony on the 11th of May, 1784. Dear peace nourishes, base jealousy consumes. Therefore may God himself bind the band of love in your station.

[in left column]
Groom, Commit your ways to the Lord, and trust in him, he will make it well. Ps. 37:5.

[in right column]
Bride, remain pious and upright, because it will go well for those. Ps 37:37.

Christian Meyer and Maria Landesin. Love compells me to give you this., always as a reminder and remembrance. Accept it in love, look at it, write it in the heart, don’t scorn it.

Be faithful to God in your station in which he placed you. When he holds you in his hand there is nothing that hurts you. Who has his grace as a breast plate, him can no devil harm. When God watches over you, you are well off. Be faithful to God, his dear word steadfastly confess, stand firmly on it in every place, don’t let yourselves be separated from it. What this world holds in its arms must perish, his dear word remains standing eternally without any wavering. Be faithful to God, as one who lets himself be found faithful and merciful. Fight nobly under him. Do not let sins bridle you against duty. Should there occur a fall, be prepared to get up again through timely penance. Be faithful to God until death, and don’t let yourself be turned away. He will and can in all needs send you loyal support, and should the kingdom of hell come with all might toward you, believe then, you will remain unconquered. So if you remain faithful to God, he will show you that he is your dear father, just as he has also promised to put on you in heaven a crown as the fruit of grace. Then you will regale yourself in his faithfulness in his kingdom.
This wishes you, groom, and also you, bride, also everyone who means well and trusts in God, heartily, a good friend and also a faithful one, his name is and he is called H[ans] Adam Eyer, school teacher.

Category: Marriage Blessing
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in Fraktur extends across the entire document. It is separated into three sections by decorative borders. In the upper corners are two angels with trumpets. Above them are crowns. In the lower corners are two inward-facing birds. Along the lower sides are leafy stems of various flowers, including tulips. The entire document is framed by a solid yellow border.

Previously attributed to Jacob Oberholtzer by Ellen Shaffer, this document is signed by the artist Johann Adam Eyer.

Associated Names: Meyer, Christian
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman


Frederick S. Weiser, "IAE SD, the Story of Johann Adam Eyer (1755-1837)," in Ebbes fer Alle-Ebber, Ebbes fer Dich (Breinigsville, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1980), pp. 437-506; published as fig. 21.

"Johann Adam Eyer" in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 1, pp. 256-260.

Cory M. Amsler, ed., Bucks County Fraktur (Kutztown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1999), pp. 102-105; 256-261; published as fig. 73.

Ellen Shaffer, "Fraktur: the colorful art of the Pennsylvania Germans," The Magazine Antiques 95, no. 4 (April 1969): 550-555; published as fig. 5.

Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on design characteristics and artist's location
City/Town/Township:[Bedminster Township]

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1784
Image Dimensions Width: 25 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 636
Creator Name: Johann Adam Eyer (1755-1837) - Decorator
Johann Adam Eyer (1755-1837) - Scrivener

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