Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) (I want to convert from my wrongs [Ich will von meiner Missethat])

Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) (I want to convert from my wrongs [Ich will von meiner Missethat])

Item Info

Item No: frk00641
Title: Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) (I want to convert from my wrongs [Ich will von meiner Missethat])
Creation Date: 5/3/1814
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 251
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink

Ich will V \ on meiner missethat zum Herrn mich belehren \ Du wollest selbst mir hülf und rath Hierzu, o,  Gott, bescherenn \ Und Deines guten Geistes Kraf, Dar neue Herzen in uns Schaft, Aus Gnaden \ Mir gewähren Klopf durch Erkenntniß bey mir an, und führ mich wohl zu \ Sünnen Waß ich vor Dir gethan, Du kanst mein Herz gewinnen; daß \ Aus Kummer und beschar daß über meine wangen Her Viel heise Trenen \ Rinnen Herr Jesu, nimm mich zu Dir ein, Ich flieg zu deinen wunden, Laß \ Mich da ein eingeschlossen Seyn Und bleiben alle Stunden; Dir ist ja Du \ Gottes Lamm, All meine Schuld am Creutzesstamm zu tragen auf gebunden \ Hierauf will ich zu Jeder=zeit mit Ernst und Sorgfalt Weiden; May \ den 3ten 1814


I want to convert from my wrongs to the Lord. You yourself wanted to give me help and advice to this end, O God, and mercifully grant me your good spirit’s power that creates new hearts in us. Knock at my door through knowledge and lead me to atone for what I have done before you. You can win my heart, so that from sadness and shame many hot tears flow over my cheeks. Lord Jesus, take me in to you, I flee to your wounds. Let me be enclosed there and remain for all hours. To you, God’s Lamb, it was ordered to bear all my guilt on the tree of the cross. Upon this I want to dwell at all times with sincerity and care.
May, the 3rd, 1814.

Category: Writing Exercise (Vorschrift)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The first letter in particularly prominent and decorative Fraktur extends across the left side of the document. It is decorated with two stemmed flowers, a rosette, a checkered diamond shape, and a face. To the right of the large letter, and separated from it by a thin border, is the text, with the first three lines in Fraktur and the remainder in German script. Three faces are drawn into letters of the first line. The entire document is framed by a decorative border.  The text is from a hymn in the Franconia Conference Mennonite hymnal.

Provenance: Levi E. Yoder

Creation Place State/Province: Creation Place Note:Based on design characteristics

Image Dimensions Width: 20.6 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 641
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener

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