Easter Prayer (Oster Andacht) and Ballad of Susanna Cox

Easter Prayer (Oster Andacht) and Ballad of Susanna Cox

Item Info

Item No: frk00694
Title: Easter Prayer (Oster Andacht) and Ballad of Susanna Cox
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 983
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink

Oster Andacht
Der tod ist tod das leben lebet. Das grab ist selbst begraben nun \ Mein Jesus der sein Haupt erhebet, will ferner nicht im Kerker ruhn \ Und stelt mir diese losung für ich le=b und ihr lebt auf mit \ mir
Nun liegt der tod zu meinen füsen der lebens fürte stirbt nicht mehr \ Er weis die Gräber aufzuschliessen, Er stürzt das blasse sünder heer \ Das Siegerlied klingt herrlich hier Ich \ le=b und ihr lebt auch in mir

Auf merket auf ihr menschen all \ Nun wirds euch vorgesagt \ Von einem sehr betrübten fall \ Von einer armen Magd

Sie hat lang in Oly Gedient \ Wohl bey dem Jacob Gehr \ Ihr name war Susana Cox \ Wie ich ihn hab Gehärt


Easter Prayer
Death is death, life lives. The grave itself is buried now. My Jesus who lifts up his head does not want to rest in his dungeon any longer, and gives me this word: I live and you also live with me. Now death is lying to my feet, the lord of life does not die anymore. He knows how to unlock the graves, he upholds the pale army of sinners. The victory song sounds beautifully here. I live and you also live with me.

Up, note all you people; now it will be told to you about a very sad case of a poor maiden. She served for a long time in Oley for Jacob Gehr. Her name was Susana Cox, as I have heard it. CW

Category: Religious Text
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in German script is in the lower portion of the document. Above it is the music. Along the top and sides are leafy vines with flowers. In the lower center are initials within an arched frame. The entire document is framed by a decorative border.
The document includes an Easter hymn as well a popular ballad about Susanna Cox. In 1809, Cox was hanged for the murder of her infant son. At the time she was a maid in Jacob Gehr’s household, and it was he who found the dead child in one of his outbuildings. Cox’s murder trial, conviction, and subsequent execution attracted much attention, in part because many people found the hanging of a woman appalling.

Associated Names: Gehr, Jacob
Creation Place State/Province: Creation Place Note:Based on design characteristics

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1830
Image Dimensions Width: 15.8 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 694
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener

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