House Blessing (Haussegen)

House Blessing (Haussegen)

Item Info

Item No: frk00702
Title: House Blessing (Haussegen)
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 293
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink

Das Walte der Drey= \ einige ewige unveränderliche Allmächtige gott der Gott Abrahams \ der Gott Isaacks, und der Gott Jacobs, der Heilige in Israel, ausser welchem kein Gott ist, daß walte Gott der Vatter \ der Vatter aller Gnaden und BarmHertzigkeit, daß walte Jesus Geistes, sein Eingebohrner Hertzallerliebster Sohn, der Glantz \ der Herrlichkeit des Herrn, daß Ebenbild seines Göttlichen Wesens, ausser welchem kein Heyl ist daß walte Gott der Heilige Geist \ der Geist des Herrn, der geist der Weißheit und des Verstandes, der Geist des Raths und der Stärcke, der geist der Erkänt \ niß und fürcht des Herrn, der Geist der Gnaden und des Gebäts heilig, heilig, heilig, ist Gott der Herr Zebaoth, aller lande \ sind seiner Ehre Voll., Waß dieser drey=Einige Gott im Himmel segnet, daß ist und bleibt gesegnet immer und ewiglich. \ derselbe sey auch mit seiner allzeit ob uns schwebenden Gnade und Güte, über uns alle in diesem Hause wie wir auf ihn hoffen. \ Ach Vatter in der Höhe, du grosser liebhaber und getreuer Menschen Hüter, du Hüter Israel, der du weder schläffest noch schlummerst, \ die, die befehlen wir unsern Außgang und Eingang, Unser leib und Seel, Unser Hauß und Hoff, Unser Haab und Guth, Hilff \ deinem Volck, segne dein Erbe, Weyde sie, und Erhöhr sie ewiglich. Seegne unser armes Hauß, wie das Hauß Obed Edams. behüte \ die Wachenden, Erhöre die betenden, begleite die Reisende, beschirme die Schlafende. Stehe allen Nothleidenden und Krancken mit \ deiner Vätterlichen Hülffe bey. Schaffe ihnen Zuflucht unter dem Schatten deiner flügel, biß daß Unglück Vorüber gehe. Ach \ Gott segne du uns liebe Kinder, wie die Kinder Joseph, Ephraim und Manasse, Segne auch alles Gesinde, Knechte und Mägde \ wie den Knecht Abrahams, Elieser. Segne unser Vieh und Heerde, wie die Heerde Jacobs. Segne unser Güter auf dem felde, \ wie die Acker Isaacks zu Gerar, daß sie tragen Hundertfältig, Segne unser Nahrung, Speiß und tranck, wie die fünff Gersten \ Brodt, und den auß Wasser gemachten Wein zu Cana in Galilea.


Thus rules the triune, eternal, unchangeable, almighty God, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the Holy one in Israel other than whom there is not God. Thus rules God, the father, the father of all grace and mercy; thus rules Jesus’ spirit, his begotten dearest son, the glow of glory of the father, the countenance of his godly being, other than whom there is no salvation. Thus rules God, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom and reason, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord, the spirit of mercy and of prayer. Holy, holy, holy is God, the Lord of Sabaoth; all the land is filled with his honor. What this triune God in heaven blesses that is and remains blessed forever and ever. May this same also be over us all in this house with his hovering grace and goodness, as we hope in him. Oh, father on high, you great lover and faithful protector of mankind, you protector of Israel, who neither sleeps nor slumbers, to you we commit our going out and coming in, our body and soul, our house and yard, our property and goods. Help your people, bless your inheritance, feed them and hear them forever. Bless our poor house, as the house of Obed Edams. Protect the awakened, hear the praying, accompany the traveling, cover the sleeping. Stand by all those who are suffering and sick with your fatherly help. Offer them refuge under the shadows of your wings until the misfortune has passed. Oh God, bless us dear children, like the children of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. Also bless all servants, menservants and maidservants, like Abraham’s servant Eliezer. Bless our cattle and herds, like the herds of Jacob. Bless our goods in the fields, like the acres of Isaac at Gerar, that they may yield hundredfold. Bless our nourishment, food and drink, like the five barley bread and the wine made from water at Cana in Galilee. O, open the windows of heaven and pour your rich blessings onto us below in fullness. Bless us in body and soul here in time and there in eternity. Oh God, preserve us in the real, lovely peace, preserve us from terrible fire and water disasters, from cruel hail and sleet, also all damaging and spoiling weather. Kick Satan under the feet. Preserve us with your own that we may fear your holy name. And receive us, if it pleases you, through true faith, from the world, among your elect. Amen!

Category: House Blessing (Haussegen)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in Fraktur and German script covers the entire document. The first line is written in particularly prominent letters. The entire document is framed by a decorative border.

Associated Names: Schumacher, Daniel

“Daniel Schumacher” in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 2, pp. 685-692.

Creation Place County: Creation Place Note:Based on artist's location

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1776
Image Dimensions Width: 21 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 702
Creator Name: [Daniel Schumacher (c. 1729-1787)] - Decorator
[Daniel Schumacher (c. 1729-1787)] - Scrivener

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