Item Info
Historic Street Address: Logan Circle
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Print and Picture Collection
The text for this 1983 photograph, taken by Philadelphia Inquirer photographer Gerald S. Williams, is from the Philadelphia Inquirer's description: "Anthony (age 22) sleeps under a tree in park along Logan Circle, as attorney from Family Court packs his car to go home (left), and cars whiz by around Circle, seemingly oblivious to plight of hoemless in their midst." Seen in the center of Logan Circle is the Swann Fountain.
Facsimile of image used in the exhibition, Corridor of Culture: 100 Years of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Parkway Central Library West Gallery, September 2017-November 2018.
Creation Year: 1983
Geocode Latitude: Geocode Longitude:-75.170954
Geocode Latitude:39.958003
Creator Name: Gerald S. Williams - Photographer
Philadelphia Inquirer - Photographer