Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Susanna Clementine Fischer

Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Susanna Clementine Fischer

Item Info

Item No: frk00717
Title: Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Susanna Clementine Fischer
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 41
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink

Philadelphia daselbst ist gebohren den 28 ten Merz \ Im Jahr Christi 1808, Susanna Clementine; Die Eltern sind \ Johann Nicolaus Fischer und seine eheliche Hauß=Frau Gottliebin eine Gebohrne Höckle, Am 17ten April \ 1808, Ist diese Susanna Clementine von Herrn Pastor Schmidt Prediger der hochdeutsch=evangelischen=Lutherischen Gemeinde in \ Philadelphia getauft, und durch die h. Tauffe, in den Gnaden=Bund=Gottes, und in die Gemeinschaft der h. christlichen Kirche aufge= \ nommen. Die Taufzeugen waren Friderich Sigmund Höckle, und seine eheliche Hauß=Frau Susanna, die Großeltern des Kinds.

[in wreath in upper left]
Wer glaubt und getauft \ der wird selig werden

[in wreath in upper right]
Wer aber nicht glaubt \ der wird verdammt \ werden.

[in wreath in upper center]
Den Weg der Wahr= \ heit wählen wir und \ wissen: deinen Willen, gib \ uns die Kraft sie kommt von \ Dir sie immer zu erfüllen \ send uns den werthen heilgen \ Geist der uns den Weg \ zum Himmel \ weist.

[within circle in lower center]

[along bottom edge]
Susanna Clementine Fisher, wurde durch die feyerliche Handlung der Confirmation als ein communicirendes mitglied in die \ Gemeine Jesu aufgenommen, in der Evg. Luth. Zions Kirche, auf den 30ten Tag März A. D. 1828. Von C. R. Demme. M. G.


In Philadelphia was born on the 28th of March in the year of Christ 1808 Susanna Clementine. The parents are Johann Nicolaus Fischer and his lawful wife Gottliebin, a born Höckle. On the 17th of April 1808 this Susanna Clementine was baptized by Pastor Schmidt, preacher at the German Evangelical Lutheran congregation in Philadelphia, and through the holy baptism was incorporated into God’s covenant of grace and the community of the Christian church. The sponsors were Friderich Sigmund Hkle and his lawful wife Susanna, the grandparents.

[in wreath in upper left]
Who believes and is baptized shall be saved.

[in wreath in upper right]
But who does not believe shall be damned.

[in wreath in upper center]
We choose the path of truth and know: your will gives us the strength, it comes from you, to fulfill it always. Send us the precious holy spirit that shows us the way to heaven.

[within circle in lower center]

[along bottom edge]
Susanna Clementine Fisher was through the solemn act of confirmation accepted as a communicating member of the community of Jesus in the Evangelical Lutheran Zion’s church, on the 30th of March A. D. 1828, from C. R. Demme, M. G.

Category: Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The main text in Fraktur is in the upper portion of the document. The first two lines are written in particularly prominent letters. Additional text in Fraktur is within two oval wreaths in the upper corners as well as one circular wreath in the center. The latter is flanked by two figures in long dresses. In the lower portion of the document are three scenes that are topped by arches and separated by columns. On the left is a priest under a chandelier and with a book. Next to him is an altar with the commandments and an urn, as well as a table with a bath and the Hebrew words INRI. In the center frame is a circle with two triangles and the word “Hallelujah.” Next to it are two angels. The center frame is topped with a row of churches and two female figures. In the right frame is a woman standing before a crowned figure seated on a throne and holding a scepter. Above them is a chandelier. The confirmation note in German script is below the image.
Urban Taufscheine are relatively rare. This one records a baptism at the largest Lutheran church in North America at the time, the Zion church in Philadelphia. The prominence given to Philadelphia in the text by use of large letters is also very uncommon in fraktur. 

Associated Names: Schmidt, John Frederick
Provenance: Arthur Sussel


Lisa Minardi, "Quill & Brush: An Introduction to Pennsylvania German Fraktur," in Framing Fraktur: Pennsylvania German Material Culture & Contemporary Art, ed. Judith Tannenbaum (Philadelphia: Free Library of Philadelphia, 2015), published on p. 33 as fig. 19. 

Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on location of birth

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1810
Image Dimensions Width: 32.4 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 717
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener

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