Love Letter (Liebesbrief) for M. R. Donath

Love Letter (Liebesbrief) for M. R. Donath

Item Info

Item No: frk01064
Title: Love Letter (Liebesbrief) for M. R. Donath
Scripts/Text: German script; Roman script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 909
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink

Zum Andenken Gewidmet \ für M. R. Donath.
Zum Andenken der \ Freundschaft.
Vielgeliebtes Mädchen \ Nimm dies gutgemeinte Blättchen
Sieh es steht darauf geschrieben, \ Ewig wird mein Herz dich lieben,
Immer geht es dir recht wohl \ Und dein Herz bleibt Wonne \ voll
Vergiß mein nicht, denk oft an mich, \ Und Liebe mich, so wie ich dich.

[in the center]
Facit \ J. N. Janke \ Philad. \ Ao. 1809


As a souvenir dedicated to M. R. Donath. As a souvenir of friendship. Dearly loved girl, take this well intentioned little sheet. See, it is written on it that my heart will love you forever. May you always be well and your heart remains filled with delight. Do not forget me, think of me often, and love me as I love you. 

[in the center]
Made by J. N. Janke. Philadlephia, anno 1809.

Category: Love Letter (Liebesbrief)
Media Type: Cutwork
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered; cutwork. This fraktur is shaped in an octagonal form, with each side topped by a cutwork pattern resembling a basket’s handle and bow. The document is decorated with a pattern of intricately cut shapes, including floral motifs. The text in German script is written in the center and in a circular pattern around it. Two of the eight portions are decorated with colorful drawings of flowers and fruit; the others are left without color. Only the colored panels are visible when the document is folded.

Associated Names: Janke, J. N.
Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on artist's location

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1809
Image Dimensions Width: 38 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 1064
Creator Name: J.N. Janke (?-?) - Decorator
J.N. Janke (?-?) - Scrivener

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