Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Johann Georg Will
Item Info
Language: German
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink
Ihm (?) jahr Christi Ein \ Tausend siebenhundertachtundachzig \ den Ein und dreissigsten August, ist von Christlichen Ehlichen \ Eltern gebohren Johann Georg Will, der vater ist Johannes \ Will, die Mutter Maria Sussanna, als tauffzeugen war gemelte \ Eltern, Nimmhin mein Kind dis klein geschenck, sey \ meiner dabey eingedenck, förcht gott und folg \ den Eltern dein so wirst ein Kind des Höchsten \ seyn, die lieben heiligen engelein, die wollen \ stets dein wächter seyn allhier in dieser noth \ und Qual und dort auch in des Himmels=saal, gott \ segne deiner Mutter schooß, nimm zugedeih und werde groß \ fromm an deiner seelenreich, an weisheit deinem Jesu gleich, \ sey wie das traute Jesus kind fromm an deiner seelenreich \ gerecht und treu gesinnt, dis Kindlein gieng die tugend=bahn \ und war den Eltern unterthan.
[in center]
Ach sollt ich mich nicht darüber \ freuen, weil mein nam im himmel \ steht, nichts kan mir süssern trost verleihen, \ als wann mein blick nach Zion geht, mein name glanzt \ in gottes reich, an glanz ist er den sternen gleich.
[in upper left]
Hirte nimm dein Schäflein \ an Haupt mach es zu deinem \ Gliede Himmels=weg zeig ihm [ill.] \ bahn friede first schenck ihm den fri[ede] \ weinstock hilf das dieser rebe nu[r] \ im glauben dich umgebe.
[in upper right]
Ach das alle [def.] \ hätten Christum [def.] \ unzihme hat erkaufft [def.] \ bekommen deinen na [def.] \ gieren, diesen namen [def.]
[in lower left]
Gar anders muß mein name \ prangen für gott der nur die seinen \ kennt, er hat mich in der tauff umpfangen \ recht vätterlich sein kind genennt, in seiner \ Hand schreibt er mich an, nicht ist das mich \ auslöschen kan.
[In lower right]
Gedenck ich dann an Jesu \ wunden ach wie wird die lust [def.] \ bey ihm wird auch mein name fin [def.] \ ach dinte die wie purpur fliest, hier steht [def.] \ schrifft an seiner brust, roth wie sein bl[uth] [def.] \ namens lust.
In the year of Christ one thousand seven hundred eighty eight, on the thirty-first of August, was born to Christian, married parents Johann Georg Will. The father is Johannes Will, the mother Maria Sussanna. Sponsors were mentioned parents. Accept, my child, this small gift, remember me with it. Fear God and follow the parents and you will be a child of the highest. The dear little angels, they want to be your guardians always, here in this need and suffering and also there in heaven’s hall. God, bless your mother’s lap, thrive and grow big, pious in your soul’s kingdom, in wisdom like your Jesus. Be like the trusted Jesus child, pious in your soul’s kingdom, just and loyally minded. This little child walked the path of virtue and was obedient to the parents.
[in center]
O, shall I not be joyful because me name is written in Heaven. Nothing can give me sweeter comfort then when my view goes toward Zion. My name shines in God’s kingdom; its shine is like that of the stars.
[in upper left]
Shepherd, take on your little sheep, make it into your limb. Path of heaven, show him the way; lord of peace, grant him peace; grapevine, help that this vine surrounds only you in its faith.
[in upper right]
O, that all [def.] had Christ [def.] has bought [def.] this name [def.]
[in lower left]
How different must my name appear to God who only knows his own. Her has accepted me in Holy baptism, quite fatherly called me his child. He inscribes me into his hand, there is nothing that can erase me.
[in lower right]
When I think of Jesus’ wounds, o how is the lust [def.] with him my name will be found [def.] ink that flows like crimson. Here stands [def.] writing on his chest, red like his blood [def.] name’s lust.
Category: Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department
Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The main text in Fraktur within a heart is in the center of the document. A verse in Fraktur within a small heart is in its center. Four verses in Fraktur are in hearts in the four corners. Another heart is in the upper center. The hearts are surrounded by leafy vines with flowers. The entire area around the hearts and vines is colored in. The paper has suffered losses in the upper center and along the right side, including areas with text.
George Peter Deisert was formerly known as the Adams County Artist.
Associated Names: Will, Maria Sussanna
"George Peter Deisert" in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 1, pp. 178-179.
Folk Art of the Hanover Area 1783-1883 (Hanover, Pa.: Hanover Area Historical Society, 1983).
Creation Place County: Creation Place Note:Based on artist's location
Region/County:[York or Adams]
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1790
Image Dimensions Width: 37.5 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 1167
Creator Name: [George Peter Deisert (active c. 1794-1815)] - Decorator
[George Peter Deisert (active c. 1794-1815)] - Scrivener