Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Bäcke Bummerschein
Item Info
Language: German
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink
Geburt und Taufschein.
Diesen beyden Ehegatten als: \ Peter Bummerschein. \ und seiner ehelichen Hausfrau Maria \ Margaretha gebohrne Ramberger \ ist eine Tochter zur Welt gebohren, \ im Jahr unsers Herrn Jesu, 1829. \ den 18ten Tag Julius \ Diese Tochter ist gebohren in \ Jackson Taunschip Montgomery \ Caunty, in dem Freystaat Ohio \ in Nord Amerika; und erhielt den Namen \ Bäcke [blank] \ Tag [blank] im Jahr unsers Herrn JESU [blank] vom Ehrw. \ Herrn Andreas Henkel.
Die Taufzeugen waren: Christian \ Schuder u s: Eva Christina, s: Frau
[lower left corner]
Ich bin getauft, ob ich gleich sterbe, \ Was schadet mir das kühle Grab? \ Ich weiß mein Vaterland und Erbe, \ Das ich bey Gott im Himmel hab’: \ Nach meinem Tod ist mir bereit, \ Des Himmels Freud’ und Feyerkleid.
[lower right corner]
Ich bin getauft, ich steh’ im Bunde, \ Durch meine Tauf mit meinem Gott; \ So sprech’ ich stets mit frohem Munde, \ In Kreutz, in Trübsal, Angst u. Noth. \ Ich bin getauft, deß freu ich mich, \ Die Freude bleibt mir ewiglich.
Birth and Baptismal Certificate.
To these two married people, namely Peter Bummerschein and his lawful wife Maria Margaretha, born Ramberger, a daughter was born into the world, in the year of our Lord Jesus 1829, on the 18th day of July. This daughter was born in Jackson Township, Montgomery County, in the free state of Ohio, in North America, and received the name Bäcke [blank] day [blank] in the year [blank] from the honorable Mister Andreas Henkel.
The sponsors were Christian Schuder and Eva Christina, his wife.
[in lower left corner]
I am baptized, and when I die, how can the cool grave hurt me? I know my fatherland and legacy that I will have with God in Heaven. After death, Heaven’s garment of joy and celebration is prepared for me.
[in lower right corner]
I am baptized, I stand united with my God through my baptism. I therefore always speak joyfully in hardship, sadness, fear and need. I am baptized, that’s a joy for me. The joy lasts eternally.
Category: Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein)
Media Type: Letterpress Prints
Source: Rare Book Department
Hand-colored; hand-lettered; printed form. The main text in Fraktur within a rectangular frame is in the center of the document. Two verses in Fraktur within rectangular frames are in the lower corners. On each side is a flowery tree with three birds. In the upper center is an eagle behind a shield and with a branch and arrows in its claws. In its beak is a banner. Above it is the word “Ohio” within oval frame with bunches of grapes at its sides. In the lower center is a decorative band. Above it is a sitting woman holding a staff in one hand. To her left is a dwelling, and to her right is a shield with the image of a bushel of wheat. Two barrels and several boxes are next to it. In the background is a sailing vessel.
Attribution to printer Wilhelm Gunckel based on a Taufschein with identical bird panel woodcuts that bears his imprint. See Stopp, p. 183.
Associated Names: Schuder, Eva Christina
Klaus Stopp, The Printed Birth and Baptismal Certificates of the German Americans (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1999) vol. 5, p. 182.
Secondary Place Town/Township: Geographic Coverage State/Province:Ohio
Geographic Coverage City/Town/Township:Jackson Township
Geographic Coverage Note:Based on location of birth
Geographic Coverage Region/County:Montgomery
Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on location of printshop
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1833
Image Dimensions Width: 39.6 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 1185
Creator Name: [Wilhelm Gunckel (1809-1882)] - Printer/Publisher
Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener