Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Maria Magdalena Neu
Item Info
Language: German
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink
[in three hearts in lower center]
Im Jahr Christi 1793 \ 8. Jonner (?) bin ich Maria \ Magdalena Neu auf diese \ jamervolle welt gebohren
Johannes Neu und \ sein eheweib Catharina \ seind meine Christlichen \ verrbtlichten (?) Eltern
Johannes berkhart und \ sein ehe Weib Susana haben \ mich zur heiligen Tauff ge \ bracht als meine Tauff \ zeigen
[in hearts along upper border]
Halden will ich \ mein versprechen, diessen \ bund mit Gott nicht brechen \ nein auf meine heilige Tauf \ grind ich meines lebens \ lauff
Herr Jesu Ich dein \ armes kind, vell gerech= \ en voller sind lege mich \ zu Deinen füssen, und lass \ die Tränen fliessen
Ach Ich berei die \ Missethat die Dich o Herr \ erzornet hat, herr Jesu \ laß dich finden, vergeb mir \ meine Sinden
Ich lieg vor dir und \ bitte dich mein herzens \ Gott ach lasse mich, nach \ mein versprechen handeln \ vor dir Herr Jesu wandeln
O du dreieiniger \ bundes Gott laß weder \ leben weder Tod mich nicht \ von dir Herr scheiden nimm \ mich zu deiner freiden
[in three hearts in lower center]
In the year of Christ 1793, on the 8th of January (?) was I, Maria Magdalena, born into this wailful world.
Johannes Neu and his wife Catharina are my Christian dear (?) parents
Johannes Berkhart and his wife Susana brought me the Holy Baptism as my sponsors.
[in hearts along upper border]
I will keep my promise not to break this covenant with God. No, on my Holy Baptism I base the course of my life.
Lord Jesus, I, your poor child full of remorse, lie to your feet and let the tears flow.
O I regret the misdeeds that angered you, o Lord. Lord Jesus, let yourself be found, forgive me my sins.
I lie before you and beg you, God of my heart, o let me act according to my promise, walk before you, o Jesus.
O you triune God, do not let life nor death separate me from you, Lord. Take me to your joy.
Category: Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department
Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in Fraktur is within eight hearts. Five of them are along the upper border of the document, and three are within a larger heart in the lower center. The frames are surrounded by a variety of flowers, including tulips. Two angels are on the sides.
Joseph Lochbaum was formerly known as the Nine Hearts Artist. He was a schoolmaster in Franklin County, PA. None of his known works include a location of birth.
Associated Names: Neu, Maria Magdalena
"Joseph Lochbaum" in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 2, pp. 523-524.
Sotheby's, 6/9/1983, lot 16.
Creation Place State/Province: Creation Place Note:Based on design characteristics
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1800
Image Dimensions Width: 32.5 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 1189
Creator Name: [Joseph Lochbaum (active c. 1800-1806)] - Decorator
[Joseph Lochbaum (active c. 1800-1806)] - Scrivener