Love Letter (Liebesbrief) for Katharina Martin
Item Info
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink
No. 1.
Schäzgen \ deine schöne \ Wangen, die \ haben
no. 2. \ mir
no.3. \ mein
no. 4. \ Hertz
no. 5. \ gefan=
no. 6. \ gen ich
no. 7. \ get es
no. 8. \ dir
no. 9. \ zum
no. 10. \ Eigenthum, die holde \ und gezierte Blum \ du wirst mir auch \ das ein ver= \ ehren das \ werden \ uns
no. 11. \ die Zeiten lehren, \ daß unsere Herzen \ niemand trennt so \ lang bis uns \ der Tod \ durch rennt \ ich
no. 12. \ liebe dich aus freu= \ em Hertzen, das \ glaub du nur \ ohn alles \ Scherzen \ dieß
no. 13. \ Brieflein solle Zeu= \ gen seyn, daß ich \ dich Liebe ganz \ allein, daß \ ich dein \ An= \
no. 14. sehn würdig achte \ und deine Schön= \ heit stets be= \ trachte, als \ angenehm \ und \ sag
no. 15. \ ich allezeit. Nun \ ist mein wünsch \ und Verlangen \ von dir ein \ Küßgen \ zu
no. 16. \ empfangen, dann die= \ ser soll ein Zeugen \ seyn, daß ich \ dich Liebe \ ganz al= \ lein.
no. 17. \ Katharina Martin \ von ober Otterbach. \ den 23 ten February \ 1809
[in star (no. 1), small hearts (nos. 2-9), and larger hearts (nos. 11-17)]
Darling, your beautiful cheeks, they have caught my heart, I give it to you as your property, this graceful and precious flower, you will also honor me with it. Time will teach us that nobody will separate our hearts until death strikes us down. I love you with free will, this believe without kidding. This little letter shall be a witness that I love you alone, that I respect your countenance and that I always view your beauty as pleasant and I say it always. Now my wish and desire is to receive a little kiss from you, for it shall be a witness that I love only you. Katharina Martin of Upper Otterbach, the 23rd of February 1809.
Category: Love Letter (Liebesbrief)
Media Type: Cutwork
Source: Rare Book Department
Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered; cutwork. This fraktur has a circular shape, with an undulating border. The text in Fraktur and German script is in a star surrounded by eight small hearts and eight large hearts. The frames are numbered in the order they should be read. The area between the text frames is decorated with an intricately cut pattern of floral motifs, including vines, vines and flowers.
Associated Names: Martin, Katharina
Judith Tannenbaum, ed., Framing Fraktur: Pennsylvania German Material Culture & Contemporary Art (Philadelphia: Free Library of Philadelphia, 2015), published on back cover.
Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on inscription on document
City/Town/Township:Upper Otterbach
Image Dimensions Width: 35.5 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 1258
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener