The Speaking Picture Book: reproducing the voices of the cock, the goat, the cat, the bird, the lamb and the cuckoo ; dedicated to all children by one who loves them - Internal workings
Children's LiteratureItem Info
Item No: clrc001243
Title: The Speaking Picture Book: reproducing the voices of the cock, the goat, the cat, the bird, the lamb and the cuckoo ; dedicated to all children by one who loves them - Internal workings
wood, metal, string, paper
Media Type: Books
Source: Children's Literature Research Collection
This item was featured in the exhibition, Our Five Senses, Parkway Central Library, William B. Dietrich Gallery, May 2019-November 2019.
Creation Year (Single Year or Earliest Date): ca. 1900
Image Dimensions Width: 19 cm
Call Number: Speaking Picture Book, The
Creator Name: Brewer, Jeanie Rose, 18??-19?? - Author