SCBWI Eastern Pennsylvania Traveling Sketchbook - Page 4 and Page 5

Children's Literature
SCBWI Eastern Pennsylvania Traveling Sketchbook - Page 4 and Page 5

Item Info

Item No: clrc001300
Title: SCBWI Eastern Pennsylvania Traveling Sketchbook - Page 4 and Page 5
Additional Title: SCBWI Eastern Pennsylvania Traveling Sketchbook
Language: English
Transcription: [Page 4 Central Text: "WHOOSH! The wind sent the princess flying. 'Wait!' The girl chased after her. 'I didn't finish you!' 'I'll finish myself!' the princess called in a voice as thin and new as she was." - The Paper Princess by Elisa Kleven "WAIT! Where am I going? You won't know till you get there. Enjoy the ride! But I like to plan! And make lists!!!"] [Mid-Left Page 4: "Start here" above Kenyon University Crest next to Caption Box: The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, and passion.] ? [Lower Left Page 4: Parsons School of Design Logo next to color palette chart] ? [Lower Left Page 5: This is Life. You've got to go with the flow. But don't worry you can fly. You're a Paper Princess.] ? [Lower Right Page 5: NYU STERN logo] ? [Mid Right Page 5: ??? I feel like I'm going backwards.] ? [Middle Right Page 5: "It will make sense later. No!!!" next to Johnson and Johnson Logo] ? [Upper-Right Page 5: "Will this feeling ever... Wait a second, there's more!"] ? [Upper-Right Page 5: "I know but I ran out of room. I know I should've planned!" next to SCBWI Logo]
Media Type: Scrapbooks
Source: Children's Literature Research Collection
Provenance: Gift of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators, Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter, 2018

Creation Year (Single Year or Earliest Date): 2018
Image Dimensions Width: 23.4 cm
Call Number: SCBWI - Sketchbook, 2017 - 2018
Creator Name: Manning, Virginia Law - Artist

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