Birth, Baptismal, and Marriage Certificate (Geburts, Tauf, und Trauschein) for Jacob Ehrhart

Birth, Baptismal, and Marriage Certificate (Geburts, Tauf, und Trauschein) for Jacob Ehrhart

Item Info

Item No: frk00041
Title: Birth, Baptismal, and Marriage Certificate (Geburts, Tauf, und Trauschein) for Jacob Ehrhart
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 430
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink

[in center frame]
Jacob Ehrhart ist gebohren \ den 26ten Tag August im Jahr un= \ sers Herrn 1768 in Springfield Taun= \ schip bucks Caunty von christlichen Ehe \ Leuten Dietrich Ehrhart und seine \ Ehefrau Maria eine gebohrne Hatsin \ Seine Taufzeichen sind Jacob Gucker \ und seine Ehefrau Margaretha er hat \ sich in den Ehestand begeben mit \ Lowisa Stähler den 11ten Tag Aprill \ ihm Jahr unsers Herr, 1799. \ Er ist gestorben den 24ten July \ 1846 ist alt worden 77 jahr \ 10 Monat 29 Tag.

[in upper frame]
Mein Gott und vater segne mich, der Sohn \ erhalte gnädiglich, was er mir hat gegeben, der \ geist erleuchte tag und nacht. Sein antlitz über \ mich mit macht, und schüze mir mein Leben \ nur dieses wünsch ich für und für, der Segen gottes sey mit \ mir

[in heart]
Christus der ist mein Le= \ ben. Sterben ist mein gewinn \ dem thu ich mich ergeben \ mit freud fahr ich dahin


[in center frame]
Jacob Ehrhart was born on the 26th day of August in the year of our lord 1768 in Springfield Township, Bucks County, to the Christian married couple Dietrich Ehrhart and his lawful wife Maria, a born Hatsin. His sponsors are Jacob Gucker and his lawful wife Margaretha. He entered into the bond of matrimony with Lowisa Stähler on the 11th day of April in the year of our lord 1799. He died on the 24th of July 1846, aged 77 years, 10 months, 29 days.

[ in upper frame]
My God and father, bless me. May the son preserve graciously what he has given me; may the spirit illuminate day and night his countenance above me with power, and protect my life. This is the only thing a wish for through and through, that God’s blessings be with me.

[in heart]
Christ is my life, death is my gain. I resign myself to this; I travel there with joy.

Category: Birth, Baptismal and Marriage Certificate (Geburts, Tauf, und Trauschein)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The main text in Fraktur and German script is within a frame in the center of the item, and one verse is within a frame above it. The other verse is underneath it within a heart flanked by a pair of tulips and grapes. A large flower, with a bird perched on top, protrudes from a quarter-fan in each bottom corner. The main text is flanked by birds sitting on a branch. A stemmed rosette is in each upper corner. The item is framed by a decorative border. A notation about the owner’s death, in German script, was added later beneath the main text. Jacob Ehrhart, the owner of this certificate, was the father of the children for whom certificates FLP 40 and 42 were prepared by the same artist.

Associated Names: Stähler, Lowisa
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman

Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on location of birth
City/Town/Township:Springfield Township

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1830
Image Dimensions Width: 41 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 41
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener

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