Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Maria Bittner

Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Maria Bittner

Item Info

Item No: frk00044
Title: Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Maria Bittner
Scripts/Text: Fraktur
Language: German
Weiser Number: 312
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink

Diesen Beiden Ehegaten Als \ Jacob Bittner und seiner Ehlichen Hasfrau Sarah \ eine gebohrne Werlisin, ist eine Tochter zur Welt gebohren \ Namens Maria im Jahr unsers Herrn und Heilandes \ Jesu Christi 1819, den 14ten Tag Junius um 5 \ Uhr Nachmittags. Diese Maria Bittnerin ist gebohren und \ getauft in America, im Staat Pennsylvanien, in Lecha \ Caunty, und in Weysenburg Taunschip: Obgemelde Maria \ Bittnerin ist getauft worden den 15ten Tag August \ 1819: von dem Ehrwerdigen Herrn Dering \ Lutherischer Prediger. Tauf=zeugen waren bey dieser heiligen \ Handlung der Ehrsame Andreas Bittner und deßen Ehefrau \ Maria.  

[in heart on bottom]
Ich bin getauft, ob ich gleich Sterbe \ was schadet mir das kühle Grab? \ Ich weiß mein Vaterland und \ Erbe das ich bey Gott im \ Himmel hab, nach meinem

[in heart on right]
Tod ist mir bereit des Himmels \ Freud und Feyerkleid. Wann mein \ Stündlein vor Handen ist und ich \ soll fahren meine Straß, so leit \ du mich Herr Jesu Christ.

[in heart on top]
Ich bin getauft u. eingeschrieben, \ mich schließt das Buch des Lebens \ ein, mein Vater wird mich ewig lieben \ und seinem Kinde gnädig sein, es ist \ mein Name Gott bekannt

[in heart on left]
Mein Name stehet in seiner \ Hand. Lobe den Herrn meine \ Seele, und seinen Heiligen Namen, und alles was in mir ist, lobe den allmächtigen Gott:


To these two married people, namely Jacob Bittner and his lawful wife Sarah, a born Werlisin, a daughter was born into the world, named Maria, in the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 1819, on the 14th day of June, at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. This Maria Bittnerin was born and baptized in America, in the state of Pennsylvania, in Lehigh County and in Weisenberg Township. Above mentioned Maria Bittnerin was baptized on the 15th day of August 1819 by the honorable Mister Dering, Lutheran preacher. Sponsors at this holy act were the honorable Andreas Bittner and his lawful wife Maria.

[in heart on bottom]
I am baptized, and when I die, how can the cool grave hurt me? I know my fatherland and legacy that I will have with God in Heaven. After

[in heart on right]
death, Heaven’s garment of joy and celebration is prepared for me.
When my hour has come and I am asked to go on my way, you, Jesus Christ shall guide me.

[in heart in top]
I am baptized and recorded; I am included in the book of life. My father will love me forever, and he will have mercy with his children. My name is known to God.

[in heart on left]
My name is written in his hand. Praise the Lord, my soul, and his holy name, and everything that is in me. Praise the almighty God.

Category: Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The main text is within a frame in the center, flanked on each side by a heart containing baptismal verse. Each corner contains a large rosette, and tulips and small flowers adorn the areas between the hearts and rosettes.

Associated Names: Werlis, Sarah
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman


“Martin Brechall” in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 1, pp. 117-123.

Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on location of birth
City/Town/Township:Weisenberg Township

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1810
Image Dimensions Width: 33.5 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 44
Creator Name: [Martin Brechall (c. 1757-1831)] - Decorator
[Martin Brechall (c. 1757-1831)] - Scrivener

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