House Blessing (Haussegen) for Fronica Steiner

House Blessing (Haussegen) for Fronica Steiner

Item Info

Item No: frk00054
Title: House Blessing (Haussegen) for Fronica Steiner
Scripts/Text: Fraktur
Language: German
Weiser Number: 901
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink

Haus Segen \ In Gottes Namen geh ich aus O herr regier du heut das haus \ Die Hausfrau und die Kinder mein laß dir o gott befohlen seyn. Wahr mein \ herz mund und hand vor grosser laster und vor schand. Gib daß ich mein sach \ wohl richt aus und wieder frohe komm nach haus Daß solcher o getreuer herr \ gereichen möght zu deiner Ehr Hüt dich auch mehr in meinem haus oder geh \ von zur thür hinaus so möget sonst gott vom himmelreich ode \ auch strafen mich und dich zugleich. \ Fronica Steiner \ 1840

[in heart on left]
O leite mich im Segen \ dem grossen ziel entgegen \ dahin dein Wort \ mich weist

[in heart on right]
Mein leben und mein \ ende ist dein in deine \ Hände befehl ich mei \ nen geist


House Blessing
In God’s name I go out, Oh, Lord, rule over my house today. My wife and children are committed, oh God, to your care. Protect my heart, mouth and hand from great vices and shame. Grant that I will do my work well and return home happy, that such, oh faithful Lord, will do you honor. Beware in my house or go right out the door. Otherwise God will punish both me and you from heaven. Fronica Steiner 1840

[in heart on left]
Oh lead me in blessing toward the great goal to which your word directs me.

[in heart on right]
My life and my end are yours; in your hands I commend my soul.

Category: House Blessing (Haussegen)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The main text in Fraktur in large central heart. Two verses are in small hearts in the lower corners. Surrounding the texts are flowering vines and six birds, including a pair of birds flanking each of the small hearts, and two parrots in the upper corners.
This fraktur was copied from a Haussegen printed at Ephrata by John Baumann.

Associated Names: Steiner, Fronica
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman

Creation Place State/Province: Creation Place Note:Based on design characteristics

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1840
Image Dimensions Width: 31.5 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 54
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener

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