Now You Dear Children of Mine (Nun ihr meine lieben Kinder)

Now You Dear Children of Mine (Nun ihr meine lieben Kinder)

Item Info

Item No: frk00289
Title: Now You Dear Children of Mine (Nun ihr meine lieben Kinder)
Scripts/Text: Fraktur
Language: German
Weiser Number: 866
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink

Nun ihr meine lieben \ Kinder, ist der Unterricht verbey. Glaubet aber ja nicht minder daß die Lieb geringer sey. \ Bey dem Freund, der euch ge=leh=ret und zu Jesu hingekehret, Ewig bleibt ihr mir im Sinn Weil ihr mir \ Vertrauet ward. v. 2. Dieser Abschied thut uns wehe, Von dem Freund der uns gelehrt. Immer will \ Nie vergesse seine Treue Herz mein Herz, der dich so libt. Immer will ich für ihn beten, Weil er mich zu Jesus wiß, Und mit \ Singen und mit Beten, Wandeln einem Christ gemäß. v. 3. Laßt mich dieses stets erfahren, Das ihr Gottes= kinder seyd, \ Traut dem Herrn in jungen Jahren, Ja bis in die Ewigkeit. Flier die Lüfte dieser Erde, Macht Euch frey von jeder Sünd, \ Den könt ihr die Kinder bleiben, Die ihr heut geworden seyd.- v. 4. O! daß Gott uns armen Kinder Seine Gnade nie \ Versag. Uns verwahr vor allen Sünden, Daß wir sollen nicht in Schm[a]ch. Um die Engel dort erfreuen, Die im Himmel \ Oben seyn. Auch die Glieder unsrer Kirche, Gott, ach stehe du uns bey.- v.5. Dieses freut das Herz des Lehres, = \ Der euch unterri[cht]en hat. Folgt dem Rath des großen Meisters. Bleibt getreu bis an das Grab. Freudig wird er euch \ Anblicken An dem Tag der Rechenschaft; Und den Himmel euch dann geben, Denn er euch hat zu gedacht.- v. 6. \ Darum so laßt uns all zusammen, Loben unser Gott und Herr!- Fest in unserm Glauben stehen, Mag die Welt auch untergehen, \ Ewig unser Bündniß halten, Ewig ihm getreu zu seyn. Laßt uns Jesum immer lieben, Er führt uns zum Vater hin. \ 1843


Now you dear children of mine, the instruction period is over. But do not believe in the least that the love is diminished in the friend who has taught you and turned you toward Jesus. Forever you will remain on my mind, because you were entrusted to me.
Verse 2: This departure from the friend who has taught us hurts us. I will never forget his faithfulness, heart my heart, who loves you so much. I will always pray for him because he pointed me to Jesus, and with singing and praying, lead a life becoming to a Christian.
Verse 3: Let me experience this constantly, that you are God’s children. Trust the Lord in young years, yes, until eternity. Escape the airs of the world, make yourselves free from sin. Then you can remain the children that you became today.
Verse 4: O! That God may never refuse us poor children his mercy. Preserve us from all sins, so that we will not fall into disgrace. To please the angels who are in Heaven above. Also the members of our church, God, oh, stand by us.
Verse 5: This pleases the heart of the teacher who instructed you. Follow the advice of the great master. Remain faithful until the grave. Joyfully he will look at you on the Day of Judgment and then give you the Heaven that he has intended for you.
Verse 6: Therefore let us all together praise our God and Lord! Stand firmly in our faith even if the world goes under. Forever hold our covenant; forever be faithful to him; let us always love Jesus; He is leading us to the Father. 1843

Category: Confirmation Certificate (Konfirmationsschein)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in Fraktur extends across the entire document. The first line is written in prominent and decorated letters. A bird on a flower is in the upper right corner. The entire document is enclosed by a decorative border. For another example by Renninger, see FLP 5. This document was prepared as a reminder or summary of lessons regarding confirmation.

Associated Names: Renninger, Johannes
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman


“Johannes Renninger” in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 2, pp. 640-641.

Henry S. Borneman, Pennsylvania German Illuminated Manuscripts (Norristown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1937), published as plate 16.

Creation Place County: Creation Place Note:Based on artist’s location

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1843
Image Dimensions Width: 20.3 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 289
Creator Name: [Johannes Renninger (active c. 1818-1853)] - Decorator
[Johannes Renninger (active c. 1818-1853)] - Scrivener

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