Letter to Lidia, Elisabeth, and Catharina Disler


Item Info

Item No: frk01221
Title: Letter to Lidia, Elisabeth, and Catharina Disler
Creation Date: 12/12/1845
Scripts/Text: Fraktur
Language: German
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; ink

1. Es kan doch nicht alles so bleiben \ hier unter dem wechselnden Mond \ Es blüth eine zeit und verwelcket \ Was mit uns die Erde bewohnt.
2. Es haben viehl fröhliche Menschen \ Lang vor uns gelebt und gelacht \ Uns Ruhenden unter dem grase \ Den becher der fröhlichkeit weihn.
3. Es werden viel fröhliche Menschen \ Lang nach uns des Lebens sich freun \ der Ruhenden unter dem Grase \ Werd öfters in Liebe gedacht.
4. Wir sitzen so fröhlich versamen \ und haben uns alle so lieb \ Wir heutern einander das leben \ ach wenn es doch immer so blieb
5. Auch wenn es nicht imer kan bleiben \ So haltet die Freundchaft recht vest \ wer weiß denn wie bald uns


1. Not everything can remain like this under the changing moon. That which inhabits the earth with us flowers for a time and then perishes.
2. Many happy people lived and laughed long before us, to dedicate to us under the grass the cup of joy.
3. Many happy people will rejoice in life long after us. Those resting under the grass will be remembered frequently with love.
4. We are sitting together so happily and love each other so much. We cheer up each others life, o, if it could only be always like this.
5. But when it cannot always remain like this, so hold on tight to the friendship. Who knows how soon

Category: Other
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-lettered. The text in Fraktur is in the center of the document. See FLP 1221v for the reverse.

See also FLP B-172 for a bookplate dated 1855 and made by Jacob Buchter for a child born in Elizabeth Township, Lancaster County.

Associated Names: Disler, Lidia
Creation Place County: Creation Place Note:Based on artist's location

Image Dimensions Width: 28 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 1221
Creator Name: Jacob Buchter (?-?) - Scrivener

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