Bookplate (Bücherzeichen) for Isaac Grobb
Item Info
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 192
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink
Dieses \ Sing=Noten=Büchlein gehöret \ Isaac Grobb \ fleißigem Singer in der \ Vinceter Schule in Chester \ Caunty geschrieben \ d. 21t february \ 1810
This little singing note book belongs to Isaac Grobb, diligent singer in the Vincent School in Chester County. Written the 21st of February 1810.
Category: Bookplate (Bücherzeichen)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department
N. B. See also FLP Borneman Ms. 35.
Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in Fraktur and German script is in the lower center of the document. In the lower corners are two outward-facing birds perched on flowers. In the upper corners are two flowers. In the upper center is an angel with a trumpet and a flower. The entire document is enclosed by a decorative border. This fraktur is in the tune book for which it was made. (PA GER Himmelreich 35)
The designs are closely related to those used by brothers Johann Adam and Friedrich Eyer. The tunes are numbered to 80. This tune book was found with a booklet made for Elisabeth Miller, Vincent School, 1808.
Associated Names: Grobb, Isaac
Provenance: Walter Himmelreich
"Johann Adam Eyer" in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 1, pp. 256-260.
Frederick S. Weiser, “IAE SD, the Story of Johann Adam Eyer (1755-1837),” in Ebbes fer Alle-Ebber, Ebbes fer Dich (Breinigsville, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1980), pp. 437-506.
Mary Jane Lederach Hershey, "The Notenbüchlein Tradition in Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Community Schools," in Cory M. Amsler, ed., Bucks County Fraktur (Kutztown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1999), p. 139.
Pennypacker Auction Center (May 30-31, 1958), p. 14.
Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on inscription on document
City/Town/Township:Vincent Township
Image Dimensions Width: 9.5 cm
ShelfMark: FLP B-48
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener