Bookplate (Bücherzeichen) for Barbara Meyer
Item Info
Language: German
Weiser Number: 833
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Laid paper; watercolor; ink
Dieses \ Geist- Reiche= Gesang \ buch gehöret \ Barbara Meyerin \ Als ein Present von mei \ ner Großmutter bar \ bara Meyerin \ 1805
This spiritually rich hymnal belongs to Barbara Meyerin as a present from my grandmother Barbara Meyerin, 1805.
Category: Bookplate (Bücherzeichen)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department
Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in Fraktur and German script within an oval frame is in the lower portion of the page. It is surrounded by decorative patterns as well as four trees. In the upper half are a bird and several flowers. The page is framed by a decorative border. This bookplate is in Die kleine geistliche Harfe (n.p., n.d.) [front matter is missing] (PA GER Germantown 1803 K673)
See also FLP B-54, a bookplate in a Bible that was given to Barbara Meyer by her grandmother in 1806.
Associated Names: Meyer, Barbara
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman
Joel D. Alderfer, " 'David Kulp, His Hand and Pen, Beet it if You Can': The Bucks County Brown Leaf Artist Identified," in Cory M. Amsler, ed., Bucks County Fraktur (Kutztown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1999), pp. 151-165.
Mary Jane Lederach Hershey, "The Notenbüchlein Tradition in Eastern Pennsylvania Mennonite Community Schools," in Cory M. Amsler, ed., Bucks County Fraktur (Kutztown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1999).
Creation Place County: Creation Place Note:Based on design characteristics and artist's location
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1805
Image Dimensions Width: 15.5 cm
ShelfMark: FLP B-53
Creator Name: [David Kulp (1777-1834)] - Decorator
[David Kulp (1777-1834)] - Scrivener