Bookplate (Bücherzeichen) for Elisabeth Rieser
Item Info
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 737
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink
Dieses \ Testament \ gehöret \ Elisabeth Rieser \ Rockhill Taunschip \ Bucks Caunty \ Geschrieben den 23 ten Juni \ 1821.
Ich will mich vor dem Bösen scheun \ Und meinen Eltern folgsam seyn; \ Kein Tag des Lebens geh vorbey, \ Daß ich nicht weiser, besser sey!
This Testament belongs to Elisabeth Rieser, Rockhill Township, Bucks County. Written the 23rd of June 1821.
I want to keep myself from evil and be obedient to my parents. Let no day of my life go by that I am not wiser and better.
Category: Bookplate (Bücherzeichen)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department
Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The text in Fraktur and German script is in the center of the document. Above it are two birds perched on flowers. In the upper center is a crown. The entire item is framed by a decorative border. This bookplate is in Das Neue Testament (Germantaun: M. Billmeyer, 1819). (PA GER Germantown 1819 B471)
The birds relate to ones associated with the Rockhill Artist, but the handwriting does not appear to be by the same.
Associated Names: Rieser, Elisabeth
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman
"Rockhill Township Artist" in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 2, pp. 653-654.
Cory M. Amsler, ed., Bucks County Fraktur (Kutztown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1999), pp. 307-309.
Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on inscription on document
City/Town/Township:Rockhill Township
Image Dimensions Width: 16.3 cm
ShelfMark: FLP B-106
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener