Bookplate (Bücherzeichen) for Lea Landes
Item Info
Language: German
Weiser Number: 805
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink
[in heart]
Lea Landes \ Sein Bild \ 1835
[on the right]
dies Büchlein \ gehöret Mier \ Lea Landes
ich habe Empfangen Von \ meinem Vater, abraham Landes \ Im iahr achtzehn hundert und \ zwey und Vierzig \ Lea Landes bin ich genant der \ Himmel ist mein rächter Vater \ land ia ich hoffe zu Gott und \ warde die stund bis mier das \ Glück mit freiden kommt \ Dieses habe ich geschrieben mit \ meiner eignen Hand den 5ten \ Februarius achtzehn hundert \ und drey und Vierzig, die furcht \ des hern ist ehre, ruhe und eine schöne krone.
[in heart]
Lea Landes’s picture, 1835.
[on the right]
This little book belongs to me, Lea Landes.
I received it from my father, Abraham Landes, in the year eighteen hundred and forty two. Lea Landes is my name, Heaven is my true fatherland. Yes, I hope in God and wait for the hour when fortune comes to me with joys. I wrote this with my own hand the 5th of February eighteen hundred and forty three. The fear of the Lord is honor, peace and a beautiful crown.
Category: Bookplate (Bücherzeichen)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department
Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The bookplate covers two facing pages. On the left page is a heart with a tall, leafy flower. It is flanked by two inward-facing birds. The text in Fraktur is in the heart. The right page is covered with text in Fraktur and German script. Both pages are framed by decorative borders. This bookplate is in a collection of sermons titled Predigten ueber höchst wichtige Gegenstände (Lancaster, Pa.: Johann Bär, 1830) (PA GER Lancaster 1830 W99). Pasted in the front of the book are several obituaries of members of the Landes family, including two of Lea Landes’s sons, dated between 1855 and 1869.
The bookplate on the left page was probably made for Lea Landes by her teacher; the bookplate on the right was written by her according to the inscription. For a related hymnal bookplate also made for Lea Landes in 1835, see FLP B-146.
Associated Names: Landes, Lea
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman
Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on inscription on FLP B-146.
City/Town/Township:[Upper Salford Township]
Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1835
Image Dimensions Width: 17.4 cm
ShelfMark: FLP B-137
Creator Name: Anonymous - Decorator
Anonymous - Scrivener