Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Lea Zartman

Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Lea Zartman

Item Info

Item No: frk01101
Title: Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein) for Lea Zartman
Scripts/Text: Fraktur
Language: German
Weiser Number: 132
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink

Geburt und Tauf=Schein.
Diesen beyden Ehegatten als Jacob Zartman \ und seiner Ehelichen Hausfrau Elisabeth eine geborne \ Hollingerin ist eine Tochter namens Lea zum Licht der \ Welt geboren den 31 ten October 1817. Und wurde ge= \ tauft von Herrn Bedes Lutherischer Prediger den 11ten \ [blank] 1818. Taufzeugen waren Magdalena Zartman
Obig gemeldete Lea ist geboren im Staat Pennsylvania \ Lancäster Caunty Elisabeth Taunschip
Wer hat mich wunderbar bereitet? Der Gott der meiner nicht bedarf, \ Wer hat mit Langmuth mich geleitet? Er dessen Rath ich oft verwarf, \ Wer stärkt den Frieden im Gewissen? Wer giebt dem Geiste neue Kraft? \ Wer läßt mich so viel Glück geniesen? Ists nicht sein Arm der alles \ schaft.


Birth and Baptismal Certificate.
To these two married people, namely Jacob Zartman and his lawful wife Elisabeth, a born Hollingerin, a daughter named Lea was born to the light of the world, on the 31st of October 1817. And was baptized by Mister Bedes, Lutheran preacher, on the 11th of [blank] 1818. Sponsor was Magdalena Zartman.
Above mentioned Lea was born into the state of Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Elisabeth Township.
Who has created me so wonderfully? The God who does not need me. Who has guided me with patience? He whose advice I often ignored. Who strengthens the peace in the conscience? Who gives the spirit new strength? Who lets me enjoy so much fortune? Is it not his arm that does everything?

Category: Birth and Baptismal Certificate (Geburts und Taufschein)
Media Type: Cutwork
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered; cutwork. The text in Fraktur within an oval frame is in the center of the document. The first letter of the main text is written in particularly decorative calligraphy. The text is surrounded by intricately cut floral motifs, including flowers and leaves. A bird and a heart are in each of the corners.

Associated Names: Zartman, Magdalena

"Wilhelmus Antonius Faber"  in Russell D. and Corinne P. Earnest, Papers for Birth Dayes: Guide to the Fraktur Artists and Scriveners (East Berlin, Pa.: Russell D. Earnest Associates, 1997), 2nd ed., vol. 1, pp. 264-265.

Creation Place Town/Township: Creation Place Note:Based on location of birth
City/Town/Township:Elizabeth Township

Image Dimensions Width: 33 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 1101
Creator Name: [Wilhelmus Antonius Faber (active c. 1790-1820)] - Decorator
[Wilhelmus Antonius Faber (active c. 1790-1820)] - Scrivener

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