Where do I start?

These lists of books are specially selected by our librarians.

African American History
In celebration of African American History Month explore our resources on African American history and culture.

  • African American Quilts: Discover the beauty of these treasures of American folk art.
  • African Americans From Philadelphia: Notable African Americans from the City of Brotherly Love.
  • African Americans in the Cinema: Lights, Camera, Action! Dig into the world of Black filmmakers, actors and actresses.
  • African Americans Win the West: Pioneering African Americans of the Old West.
  • Great Minds: African American scientists and inventors.
  • Harlem Renaissance: An important cultural movement in American history.
  • Tuskegee Airmen: The nation's first African American fighter pilots.
  • Underground Railroad and African American Slave Resistance: Famed rebellions in African American history.
  • African-American Authors
    Discover these literary gems.

  • Award-Winning Authors: Books by prize-winning writers.
  • Bebe Moore Campbell: Books by Bebe Moore Campbell
  • Memoirs and Reminiscences: Autobiographical selections.
  • Coretta Scott King
    Learn more about the legacy of Coretta Scott King.

  • Adult Books: Explore the rich life and legacy of Coretta Scott King.
  • Children's Books: Learn about King's lifelong struggle for civil rights.
  • Martin Luther King
    Learn about this important civil rights leader.

  • Books By Dr. King: Writings and Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Books For Children: Biography and stories about Martin Luther King, Jr
  • Books for Teens and Adults: Biography and history about Martin Luther King, Jr and his times and contributions.