You'll love these weblinks chosen by our expert librarians.

  • BLS Career Information - Explore different careers in the categories Music/Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading, and P.E./Outdoors
  • College Board Career Search - College Board Career Search with helpful career descriptions and job outlook through 2005.
  • Job Corps - Job Corps' web page, with enrollment information for students ages 16 through 24.
  • Tomorrowsdoctors - A Guide for High School Students. Wonderful informative page for students interested in this field. published by the Association of American Medical Colleges.
  • YouthRules! - Information from the U.S. Department of Labor for teens, parents, educators, employers and the public on Federal and State rules regarding young workers, to help ensure a safe and positive work experience for young people.

Jobs and Internships
Jobs and Internship information for Teens