Military Subject Headings and Keyword Searching

Subject Headings

The following subject headings are used in most catalogs to refer to the period indicated:

  • United States — History — French and Indian War
  • United States — History — Revolution
  • United States — History — War of 1812
  • United States — History — War with Mexico
  • United States — History — Civil War — 1861 – 1865
  • United States — History — War of 1898
  • World War, 1914 – 1918
  • World War, 1939 – 1945
  • Korean War, 1950 – 1953
  • Vietnamese Conflict, 1961 – 1975

Keyword Searching

Keyword searching is a useful way to generate lists of important references. To get a feel for how this works, try keyword searches using the following terms:

  • Bounties
  • Jews War
  • Military Pensions
  • Germans Revolution
  • Soldiers Homes (or Home)
  • Bounties Pennsylvania
  • Military Biography
  • Registers Dead
  • Regimental Officers
  • Regimental Histories
  • Militia Philadelphia
  • Military Pennsylvania
  • Regimental Pennsylvania
  • Blacks Military

It is important to note that lists of military personnel are more often referred to as "REGISTERS", not directories.

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