Passenger Lists, Immigration and Emigration Information, Naturalization, Oaths of Allegiance, and Passports - Subject Headings and Sample Keyword Searches

Subject Headings

Some subject headings of interest are:

  • United States - Emigration and Immigration
  • Pennsylvania - Emigration and Immigration
  • Germany - Emigration and Immigration
  • (Any country or U. S. State) - Emigration and immigration
  • British in America
  • Germans in the United States
  • (Any nationality) in (then truncate the search by pressing ENTER or RETURN on the keyboard)
  • Dutch Americans
  • African Americans
  • Swedish Americans
  • Redemptioners
  • Indentured Servants
  • Naturalization
  • Passenger Ships
  • Sailing Ships
  • Ship Registers
  • Ships
  • Steamboat Lines

Keyword Searching

Keyword searching is a useful way to generate lists of important references. To get a feel for how this works, try keyword searches using the following terms:

  • Oaths Allegiance
  • Ireland Immigration
  • Irish Immigrants
  • Ships Passenger
  • Scotland Emigrants
  • America Emigrants

For country specific guidebooks, use keyword searches similar to the following:

  • German Genealogy
  • Afro American Genealogy
  • Italian Genealogy
  • Italy Genealogy
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