Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Selected Books from the Notable Russian Author
Russian author and Noble Prize winner in Literature.

There are 10 items | Showing 1 to 10

Book Cover
Solzhenitsyn in Exile: Critical Essays and Documentary Materials by Dunlop, John B.
Notes: "The volume commendably shows its controversial subject from disparate viewpoints..."
ISBN: 0817980512
Publisher: Hoover Institution Press
Published: 1985
The Oak and the Calf: a Memoir by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Notes: Solzhenitsyn's memoir in which he "does not indulge in grandiloquent passages of destiny" but rather simply shows "Russia - the world - how to heal."
ISBN: 0060140143
Book Cover
Solzhenitsyn: a Soul in Exile. by Pearce, Joseph
Notes: Based on Pearce's interviews, this "uncritical" biography details Solzhenitsyn's "transformation from ardent Marxist" into internationally acclaimed writer.
ISBN: 080101204X
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Alexander Solzhenitsyn: a Century in His Life. by Thomas, D.M.
Notes: A literary biography of Solzhenitsyn that is written like a novel.
ISBN: 0312180365
Publisher: St. Martin's Press.
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One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Notes: Fictional story of an innocent man sent to gulag for being a spy.
ISBN: 9780451531049
The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956 by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Notes: This epic masterpiece, labeled by Time Magazine as the "Best Nonfiction Book of the Twentieth Century," discusses four decades of Soviet oppression.
ISBN: 0060154748
Book Cover
The Solzhenitsyn Reader by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Notes: This title contains a selection of the work of the Russian writer, including poems, short stories, essays, and speeches, along with excerpts from other works.
ISBN: 9781933859002
Nobel Lecture by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Notes: 1970 Nobel Prize for Literature lecture by Solzhenitsyn.
Book Cover
The First Circle by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Notes: The story of a prisoner, Gleb Nerzhin, who has survived the German front during the war and later in a succession of Russian prisons and labor camps.
ISBN: 0810115905
Cancer Ward by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Notes: Allegory of the Soviet Union set in a hospital.
ISBN: 0679601635