Staff Picks for Teens: Speculative Fiction
Imagine the past as it never was...or the future as it could be. These books are part sci fi, part fantasy, and one hundred percent great reads.

There are 21 items | Showing 1 to 10

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Messenger by Lowry, Lois
Notes: In this sequel to The Giver and Gathering Blue, Jonas has become the Leader of Village, a town of people who have been outcast from other communities, who have joined together to help each other. Matty, a boy who came to Village with Kira, wants to become the Messenger, since he is able to travel through the dangerous Forest without harm. When the citizens of Village decide to close their borders to newcomers, Matty is sent to bring Kira from her home in a neighboring town to help Jonas heal the discord in their community - but will the Forest let him through?
ISBN: 0618404414
Publisher: Houghton
Published: 2004
Callnumber: j
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Little Brother by Doctorow, Cory
Notes: 17-year-old computer buff Marcus and his friends skip high school for the day - and witness a terrorist attack on the San Francisco Bay Bridge. Homeland Security picks up the teenagers while sweeping the area, and when Marcus' high-tech gadgets raise their suspicions, he and his friends are held and interrogated for three days. Once Marcus is released, he discovers that San Francisco has become a hyper-secure police state. With his technical know-how, Marcus fights back to avoid government surveillance...but can he succeed?
ISBN: 9780765319852
Publisher: Tor Teen
Published: 2008
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The Hunger Games by Collins, Suzanne
Notes: After the United States is destroyed by natural disasters, a new country called Panem takes its place. The powerful Capitol rules the twelve outlying Districts with an iron fist, and every year 24 teenagers are forced to represent their Districts in a televised battle to the death. When Katniss Everdeen's little sister is chosen in the lottery, Katniss volunteers to take her place, even though it means volunteering for an almost-certain death in the arena, pitted against other teens who have trained for this moment all their lives...and against Peeta, the boy from her District who once saved her from starvation.
ISBN: 9780439023528
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Published: 2008
Pages: 374
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Catching Fire by Collins, Suzanne
Notes: In the second book of the Hunger Games trilogy, Katniss and Peeta discover that victory in the Games is both a blessing and a curse. As they begin their mandatory victory tour, they start to hear rumors of a rebellion against the Capitol. Can they resume their normal lives, or will they be drawn into the action? Read and find out!
ISBN: 9780439023498
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Published: 2009
Callnumber: FICTION
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Gathering Blue by Lowry, Lois
Notes: This is a companion novel to The Giver, set in the same future. At birth, Kira's twisted leg marked her for death in a community where the weak and disabled are left to die of exposure, but her mother defied the community leaders and kept her baby. Now a teenager, Kira has been orphaned and must survive on her own, without help from her neighbors. When she is brought before the Council of Guardians, she expects to be outcast, but her embroidery and dyeing skills lead the Guardians to choose her for a special task instead. Can she truly create art while the community keeps her imprisoned?
ISBN: 0618055819
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Published: 2000
Callnumber: J
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The Giver by Lowry, Lois
Notes: Jonas has just turned 12 and is ready to leave school and embark on the career that his community has chosen for him. At the ceremony, he discovers that he has been selected for a unique job - he will become the Receiver of Memory. The previous Receiver, now an old man, becomes the Giver, who passes on to Jonas all of the community's forgotten memories of music, color, and emotions both happy and painful. As Jonas begins to realize what secrets lie beneath his seemingly peaceful and perfect society, he must choose whether to stay and bear the weight of those memories, or run away.
ISBN: 0395645662
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Published: 1993
Callnumber: J
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Juniper by Furlong, Monica
Notes: This prequel to Wise Child is the story of how Juniper, once a Cornish princess during the Dark Ages, became a doran - a woman who uses magic for good - by studying with her eccentric godmother Euny. Juniper will need all her powers to save her best friend, and her father's kingdom, from the clutches of an evil sorceress.
ISBN: 0394832205
Publisher: Knopf
Published: 1991
Callnumber: J
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Wise Child by Furlong, Monica
Notes: When Wise Child's grandmother dies, she is sent to live with Juniper, the village healer. Though Juniper is suspected of witchcraft by the villagers, Wise Child soon learns that Juniper's magical powers are used for good - and she has the chance to learn magic, too. But Wise Child's mother, the evil sorceress Maeve, and the village priest will both be obstacles to Wise Child's magical education.
ISBN: 0394891058
Publisher: Knopf
Published: 1987
Callnumber: J
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Colman by Furlong, Monica
Notes: After the events of Wise Child, Juniper, Wise Child, and Colman travel back to Juniper's childhood home in Cornwall, only to discover that Juniper's parents are dead and their kingdom is being controlled by Juniper's evil aunt. Wise Child and Colman must save Juniper's brother, the rightful heir to the kingdom, and restore him to the throne.
ISBN: 0375815147
Publisher: Random House
Published: 2004
Callnumber: J
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A Wizard of Earthsea by Le Guin, Ursula K.
Notes: Names have great power in Earthsea - so much so that it's possible to work magic by knowing the true names of things. When young Sparrowhawk is sent to the famous school for wizards on the island of Roke, he soon learns that magical power can be dangerous. In his arrogance, he accidentally unleashes a shadowy creature that he must find and confront.
ISBN: 0395276535
Publisher: Parnassus Press
Published: 1968
Callnumber: J