The Meaning of Michelle: 16 Writers on the Iconic First Lady and How Her Journey Inspires Our Own with Veronica Chambers with Benilde Little, Alicia Moran and Damon Young

Recorded Jan 17, 2017
Explicit Content
Direct Download: 20170117-themean.mp3

Iconic First Lady Michelle Obama has redefined American ideas about beauty, strength, and poise under often-harsh public scrutiny. In the “powerful” (Vogue) essay collection The Meaning of Michelle, some of the country’s most thoughtful minds ponder Mrs. Obama’s legacy on the eve of her departure from the White House. Contributors to this rollicking conversation-starter include:

Veronica Chambers, author of the acclaimed memoir Mama’s Girl and co-author of the bestsellers Yes, Chef with Marcus Samuelsson and Everybody’s Got Something with Robin Roberts

Benilde Little, bestselling author of the novels Good Hair, Acting Out, and Who Does She Think She Is?

Alicia Hall Moran, mezzo-soprano who starred as Bess on the National Tour of Porgy and Bess and has performed across the country at venues including Jazz at Lincoln Center. Classical guitarist Thomas Flippin will accompany Ms. Moran.

Damon Young, editor-in-chief of VSB (, a columnist for and Ebony, and a founding editor of 1839

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