Mark Tercek | Nature's Fortune: How Business and Society Thrive by Investing in Nature

Recorded May 22, 2013
Direct Download: 20130522-markter.mp3

Mark Tercek is president and CEO of The Nature Conservancy, the global conservation organization. A former managing director for Goldman Sachs, where he spent 25 years, he champions natural capital. Tercek was appointed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to serve on the 2100 Commission, created in the wake of Hurricane Sandy to improve the state’s infrastructure for future storms. He serves on the boards of Resources for the Future, the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, and the Commission on Climate and Tropical Forests, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. In Nature's Fortune: How Business and Society Thrive by Investing in Nature, he explores why nature is the foundation of human well-being and of utmost importance for economic progress. 

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