Max Brooks | The Harlem Hellfighters | Illustrated by Caanan White

Recorded Apr 1, 2014
Direct Download: 20140401-maxbroo.mp3

One of history’s least celebrated—and most successful—military units, the 369th Infantry, nicknamed “The Harlem Hellfighters” by their enemies, was the first African American regiment to fight in World War I. Simultaneously surviving prolonged attacks from the enemy—the Hellfighters endured an incredible 191 consecutive days of combat, more than any other unit—while suffering constant barrages of extreme discrimination from their own government, the nearly mythic 369th never lost a trench under its defense. Max Brooks tells their heroic story in his “intensely furious” and “painful, memorable” (Publisher’s Weekly) new graphic novel. A former Saturday Night Live staff writer, Brooks is also the author of the New York Times bestseller World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, a Studs-Terkel-meets-George-Romero verite take on the legions of the undead that was adapted into a film starring Brad Pitt; The Zombie Survival Guide; and The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks

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