Patricia Lockwood | Motherland, Fatherland, Homelandsexuals

Recorded Nov 10, 2014
Direct Download: 20141110-patrici.mp3

In 2013, Patricia Lockwood’s poem “Rape Joke,” first printed on the website The Awl, went viral. A “satirical work that nonetheless brings your heart up under your ears” (New York Times), the poem “reawakened a generation’s interest in poetry” (The Guardian). “The Poet Laureate of Twitter” (unofficial), Lockwood “dispenses mischievous ‘sexts’ as if from an eyedropper” (New York Times). Her debut collection Balloon Outlaw Black Patricia was trumpeted as one of the year’s best by The New Yorker. Her new collection “is unforgettable, literally: once read, it cannot be forgotten” (NPR). 

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