Phil Klay | Redeployment with Atticus Lish | Preparation for the Next Life

Recorded Mar 10, 2015
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Direct Download: 20150310-philkla.mp3

Redeployment, Phil Klay’s debut story collection, is “the best literary work thus far written by a veteran of America’s recent wars” (The New Yorker). A former Marine officer who served thirteen months in Iraq, Klay has been rewarded by critics and readers for his encapsulation of the profane, mundane, gritty nature of the war. The virtuosic Redeployment is a New York Times bestseller and is the winner of the 2014 National Book Award.

Atticus Lish has been a Chinese-English translator, United States Marine, Styrofoam factory worker, and security guard, among sundry other vocations. He is also the author of Life Is With People, a book of captioned drawings. Lish’s debut novel is “perhaps the finest and most unsentimental love story of the new decade” (New York Times). In Preparation for the Next Life, the lives of a troubled veteran and an oppressed illegal alien intersect in a story of violence, madness, and tenderness.

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