Kate Mulgrew | Born with Teeth

Recorded Apr 28, 2015
Direct Download: 20150428-katemul.mp3

Kate Mulgrew is best known for her roles as Captain Kathryn Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager and Russian gangster Galina “Red” Reznikov on Orange Is the New Black. For these and her other diverse roles in dozens of television, film, and theater productions she has earned an Obie Award, a Saturn Award, and Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. Mulgrew’s behind-the-scenes story is as compelling as any of her roles. A mother at 22, she was allowed only a brief glimpse of her newborn daughter before giving her up for adoption. Twenty years later they were reunited. Born With Teeth tells these and the other transcendent stories of a passionate life and career.

Signing Guidelines:
- Ms Mulgrew will only sign copies of her new book. No photographs, DVDs or memorabilia permitted.
- Photos: you can lean in to the signing table for a photo, but due to time constraints, posed photos aren’t possible.

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