Jean Trounstine | Boy With A Knife: A Story of Murder, Remorse, and a Prisoner's Fight for Justice

Recorded Aug 3, 2016
Direct Download: 20160803-jeantro.mp3

Nearly a quarter of a million youth are tried, sentenced, or imprisoned as adults every year across the United States. On any given day, ten thousand youth are detained or incarcerated in adult jails and prisons. Putting a human face to these sobering statistics, Boy With A Knife tells the story of Karter Kane Reed, who was sentenced to life in an adult prison for a murder he committed at the age of sixteen, in 1993, in a high school classroom. Twenty years later, in 2013, he became one of the few men in Massachusetts to sue the Parole Board and win his freedom. Boy With A Knife is also a searing critique of the practice of sentencing youth to adult prisons, providing a wake-up call on how we must change the laws in this country that allow children to be sentenced as adults.

Join author Jean Trounstine in conversation with journalist Christopher Moraff for an evening discussing Reed's case and the issues it raises.

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