Rich Landau and Kate Jacoby | V Street: 100 Globe-Hopping Plates on the Cutting Edge of Vegetable Cooking

Recorded Oct 7, 2016
Direct Download: 20161007-richlan.mp3

“Leaders in a food revolution that sees mainstream chefs putting vegetables at the center of the plate” (Associated Press), Philly natives and husband-and-wife team Rich Landau and Kate Jacoby are co-owners of Vedge, a local mecca for foodies since 2011. Landau opened his first restaurant in 1994 and is notable for serving the first-ever vegan dinner at the James Beard House. Jacoby serves as Vedge’s pastry chef and runs its cocktail and wine program. They are also owners of V Street, a street-food bar based on their shared love of travel and food cultures. Their eponymous book is a tasty compendium of more than 100 vegetable recipes inspired by the great street foods of the world.

Please allow extra time to get to Parkway Central, due to extensive road work in the area.

In conversation with Maureen Fitzgerald, food editor, Philadelphia Inquirer


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