Temple Grandin with Debra Moore | Navigating Autism: 9 Mindsets For Helping Kids on the Spectrum

Recorded Oct 8, 2021
Direct Download: 20211008-templeg.mp3

Dr. Temple Grandin is a philosophical leader and activist for both the animal welfare and autism advocacy efforts. She is a TIME Magazine Top 100 Hero, the author of more than 60 scientific papers, a sought-after public speaker, and professor of animal science at Colorado State University. Her semi-autobiographical nonfiction books EmergenceThinking in Pictures, and The Autistic Brain inform scientists and a still largely uninformed general public about autism. The HBO movie based on her life, starring Claire Danes, received seven Emmy Awards. 

Psychologist Dr. Deborah Moore is the founder and director of Fall Creek Counseling Associates, a landmark practice that works with children, teens, and adults with autism. The author and coauthor of many scholarly and popular works on autism, gaming addiction, and internet addiction, she collaborated with Grandin on the 2016 book The Loving Push: How Parents and Professionals Can Help Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults.

In Navigating Autism, Grandin and Moore use their decades of personal and professional experience to offer nine empowering strategies for those who want to successfully work with young people on the autism spectrum.

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