
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 | Results for Tag: disabilites-and-accessibility
  • In conversation with Dr. Jason Karlawish In partnership with the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society The clinical consulting director of support groups at The CaringKind (formerly The Alzheimer's Association),  Dasha Kiper  has an MA in clinical… more

  • In conversation with Isaac Fitzgerald Freelance journalist Chloé Cooper Jones was a 2020 Pulitzer Prize finalist in feature writing for “Fearing for His Life,” a profile of the man who filmed NYPD officers killing Eric Garner. Also a philosophy… more

  • Dr. Temple Grandin  is a philosophical leader and activist for both the animal welfare and autism advocacy efforts. She is a  TIME Magazine Top 100 Hero, the author of more than 60 scientific papers, a sought-after public speaker, and professor… more

  • In conversation with Katie Ford, author of If You Have to Go and three previous collections of poems. Ford is the recipient of a Lannan Literary Fellowship and she teaches at the University of California, Riverside. Bestselling memoirist Emily… more