Amy Goodman | Breaking the Sound Barrier

Recorded Dec 1, 2009
Direct Download: 20091201-amygood.mp3

The host and executive producer of Democracy Now!, an award-winning independent news program airing on over 800 stations throughout the world, Amy Goodman has a passion for truth in journalism. She is a recipient of the first Right Livelihood Award, a preeminent commendation for personal courage and social transformation that is known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize.” She is also the co-author of New York Times bestselling books Standing up to the Madness, Static, and The Exception to the Rulers. In her new book (a collection of investigative reports on topics scarcely covered by corporate media outlets), Goodman talks about the inordinate control these media giants exert over public opinion and the role that grassroots activists and independent media can play in the struggle for a better world. Cornel West proclaims, “Amy Goodman is a towering progressive freedom-fighter in the media and the world. Breaking the Sound Barrier is another expression of her vision and courage.”






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