Roy Blount, Jr. | An Afternoon with Roy Blount Jr.

Recorded Apr 18, 2010
Direct Download: 20100418-royblou.mp3

Admired for his off-center perceptions and sense of humor, multitalented Roy Blount, Jr. is a prolific author, performer, and broadcaster. Blount has performed stories and verses on A Prairie Home Companion, and appears on the CBS Morning Show, Tonight Show, David Letterman Show, Good Morning America, Today Show, and Larry King. He has contributed to more than 166 publications, including Sports Illustrated, New Yorker, Atlantic, New York Times, Esquire, Playboy, Rolling Stone, and GQ. Blount is the author of more than 21 books on a wide range of subjects, from the first woman president of the United States to what barnyard animals are thinking; among his most notable titles are About Three Bricks Shy: And the Load Filled Up, Crackers, One Fell Soup, First Hubby, Feet on the Street, and Alphabet Juice. Blount also appeared in the Off-Broadway one-man show, Roy Blount's Happy Hour and a Half, and performs with the Rock Bottom Remainders.

Interviewed by Lisa Napoli

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