Christopher Hitchens | Hitch-22

Recorded Jun 15, 2010
Direct Download: 20100615-christo.mp3

Christopher Hitchens is a prolific and controversial writer, as well as a popular radio and TV commentator. A self-styled radicalist, Hitchens is notorious for his strong opinions and conflicting views: he was against the Vietnam War and for the Iraq invasion. He has written books excoriating Mother Teresa, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Henry Kissinger, as well as biographies elevating Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and George Orwell. His polemic against organized religion, God Is Not Great, was a no. 1 New York Times bestseller and a finalist for the National Book Award. Providing new insight into his life and beliefs, Hitch-22 sheds light on the formative experiences and personal relationships with famous writers and political figures that helped make him the intellectual he is today.

In conversation with Marty Moss-Coane, host of WHYY's Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane.

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