Diane Ackerman | One Hundred Names for Love: A Stroke, A Marriage, and the Language of Healing

Recorded May 19, 2011
Direct Download: 20110519-dianeac.mp3

An award-winning poet and natural history writer, Diane Ackerman is the author of two dozen books, including the critically acclaimed A Natural History of the Senses and the 2008 Orion Book Award-winner The Zookeeper's Wife. In her new memoir, Ackerman recalls her husband Paul West’s devastating stroke and resulting aphasia—loss of language—which, when traditional therapies failed, forced her to use her understanding of language and the brain to gradually guide him back to the world of words. Joyce Carol Oates praises, "Ackerman has written an intimate, richly documented, and beautiful memoir… a double portrait of two remarkable people."

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