Juan Williams | Muzzled: The Assault on Honest Debate

Recorded Aug 2, 2011
Direct Download: 20110802-juanwil.mp3

When NPR fired longtime news analyst Juan Williams for stating on The O'Reilly Factor that seeing people in “Muslim garb” on airplanes made him nervous, he called it a “chilling assault on free speech,” and said: “The critical importance of honest journalism and a free flowing, respectful national conversation needs to be had in our country.” Prior to his stint at NPR, Williams spent two decades at the Washington Post, covering every major political campaign from 1980 to 2000. A graduate of Haverford College and a Fox News political analyst, Williams is also the author of six books, including the landmark Eyes on the Prize, a moving chronicle of the Civil Rights Movement. In Muzzled, Williams discusses how the nature of debate is choked by political correctness and the growing difficulty of speaking out on sensitive topics.

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