Eva Gabrielsson | "There are Things I Want You to Know" about Stieg Larsson and Me

Recorded May 31, 2012
Direct Download: 20120531-evagabr.mp3

For more than three decades, Eva Gabrielsson and Stieg Larsson—author of the internationally bestselling "Millenium" trilogy of Swedish crime thrillers that began with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo—were inseparable. Famous only in death, Larsson was a fervent feminist, activist, and journalist who portrayed right-wing extremism and insidious neo-Nazi movement in Sweden. In There Are Things I Want You to Know, Gabrielsson lays out the parallels and gaps between the literary narratives of Larsson's three books and the violent modern-day Sweden that few people knew about and Larsson railed against, all while telling their love story and her stifling anguish after his death.

In conversation with John Timpane, Media Editor/writer, The Philadelphia Inquirer

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