Black History Month

Black History
Month 2024

Highlighted portraits of American Jazz singer Lee Morgan, Author Ruha Benjamin, storyteller Mama Carla, and activist James Baldwin. Highlighted portraits of American Jazz singer Lee Morgan, Author Ruha Benjamin, storyteller Mama Carla, and activist James Baldwin. Highlighted portraits of American Jazz singer Lee Morgan, Author Ruha Benjamin, storyteller Mama Carla, and activist James Baldwin.

Join us during Black History Month as we celebrate the rich heritage, culture, and achievements of African Americans. Explore our diverse collection, and attend events that entertain and inspire!


The Art and Influence of John Dowell

Special Collections exhibition featuring prints and photographs from John Dowell's life as an artist and teacher.

Explore the John Dowell Exhibition
John Dowell portrait.
James E. Dupree portrait.

Stolen Dreams

This exhibition follows James E. Dupree's fight against the City of Philadelphia over efforts to gentrify Mantua between 2012-2014. Program includes a screening of the documentary film Broken Dreams.

Explore the Stolen Dreams Exhibition

The In-Between Spaces

Vintage television overlayed with a collage of Martin Luther King newspaper clippings, artwork by Doriana Diaz as part of the In-Between spaces exhibit.

View the work of contributing artists exploring the vessels and tides of the collective aesthetic memory of Blackness through mediums such as film, photography, collage, bookmaking, and more.

Visit the In-Between Spaces Exhibition

Visit the Rare Book Department

Visitors can now view books by influential Black authors of the 18th and 19th centuries on display in our Rare Books Department.

Author Events

Author Events

Celebrate Black Writers
Collage of authors featured in Black History Month’s Author’s Events.

All Programs and Events

Celebrate Black History with Special Programming

Join us for Black Hair 101, learn about the Codes, Signs and Symbols of the Underground Railroad, and more!
Lee Morgan, American jazz trumpeter and composer playing the trumpet.