Vote for Our Library Bullhorn Project

By Michelle S. RSS Wed, March 19, 2014

Every day, the Free Library works to provide teens with opportunities to master new technology and make their voices heard at our Hot Spots and through initiatives at libraries throughout the city. We now have the fantastic opportunity to expand this programming with our Library Bullhorn project. Through mentoring teens in blogging, web design, coding, video production, and more, we will give them a platform to engage in civic discourse in a meaningful way.

But we need your support! Help the Free Library inspire and empower Philadelphia’s teens by voting for our Library Bullhorn project in the Knight News Challenge.

Your support will help us provide positive opportunities for our city’s teens and truly make a difference in their lives. Please vote today!

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My local library is the Whitman Branch in South Philly!
Sharon Achilles - Philadelphia
Tuesday, April 22, 2014